Both of those vessels were 600 meters in length, and were relatively heavy warships in comparison to the ships available to planetary governments at the time.) However, the Dreadnaught was dwarfed by the Victory and Venator-class Star Destroyers that were designed during the Clone Wars, and even those were put to shame by the Imperial-class Star Destroyer. (A comparable vessel designed during the Imperial Era would be the Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser, or her more recognizable cousin, the Immobilizer 418-class Interdictor Cruiser. The architects of the Anaxes system noticed that, and made allotments for ships far outside the old 600 meter limit.Īt the time of its inception, the Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser was actually a rather sizable warship at 600 meters in length. Under the old classification system, ships over 600 meters in length (the maximum size of the Cruiser-class) were a rarity, but by the time the Clone Wars rolled around, the Cruiser class was made increasingly meaningless by the sheer number of private enterprises churning out warships far larger than the old size limitations permitted, regulations be damned.
That’s the thing about the Anaxes system.